Change management at workplace Course

Learn to inspire teams, adapt strategies, and foster a culture of resilience for unparalleled success in today's dynamic business landscape.

Master workplace change management

Ever wondered how to smoothly transition from where you are to where you want to be? That's where Change Management comes in – it's like your roadmap for guiding individuals, teams, and entire organizations through transformative journeys. Imagine turning aspirations into reality!

Think of Change Management as the ultimate organizational wizardry. It's a step-by-step process that empowers your incredible workforce to not just welcome change with open arms, but also put it into action. From shaking hands with the new to embracing the unknown, this is the training ground for workplace change champs.

And guess what? We're thrilled to invite you to be a part of this transformative experience at IIPD Global! This exclusive training program is tailor-made for the change leaders and agents within organizations. You'll emerge equipped with a toolbox bursting with skills and competencies, all finely tuned to navigate the intricate art of managing and leading change. Don't just enroll – embark on a journey to become a change virtuoso with us at IIPD Global!

Learning Outcomes:  

  • Acquire the ability to understand and reflect upon the principles of change management and its importance from an organizational point of view.
  • Understand the various steps involved in brining change the planning tools used.
  • Understand the reasons for resistance towards change and how to deal with it.
  • Understand the role of communication and inclusiveness in change management
  • Understand the role of leadership and coaching competencies in effective change management.


  • The principles of change management.
  • Methods of planning for change
  • The importance of communication in change management.
  • Understanding concerns, needs and motivational drivers in managing change.
  • Four basic behavioral styles and How to align individual/teams for change - DISC Model.
  • Importance of feedback process in dealing with resistance to change.
  • Getting Commitment and involvement.
  • Types of change and 10 steps involved in it.
  • Leadership skills and change management.
  • Kotter’s Eight stage process to change management.
  • Developing a change action plan
  • Role of coaching in Change Management.

Who is it for:

  • Senior/Mid-level/Junior Managers
  • Administrators
  •  Supervisors and Project Leaders

Training methodology

Get ready for an exciting learning journey that's tailored to the most cutting-edge adult learning principles!

Our training program is designed to keep you engaged every step of the way. Get ready for a dynamic experience featuring a blend of lively short lectures, captivating Prezi presentations, real-world examples that bring theory to life, hands-on activities that make learning unforgettable, role-play scenarios that put your skills to the test, eye-opening video presentations, thought-provoking discussions that spark new ideas, and energizers that keep you motivated and focused.

But that's not all – this training isn't just about sitting and listening. It's all about action! Dive into activities that involve immersive role-plays and engaging group tasks. Afterward, we'll gather for insightful discussions and debrief sessions that ensure you extract the maximum learning from each activity. Got questions? We've got answers! Our Q&A sessions are your chance to clarify doubts and explore concepts further. And to make sure the key takeaways stick, we'll wrap up with recap sessions that reinforce your newfound knowledge.

To make your learning experience even more enriching, you'll receive a comprehensive courseware package. This includes study materials to delve deeper into the content, handy handouts to reference whenever needed, and activity sheets that complement your hands-on learning adventures. Get ready to learn, interact, and transform with a training experience like no other!

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